
Workout and feel Energized: Energy Flow Mind-Body Workout

Happy Wednesday to you! Or from here on out – Happy Workout Wednesday!  As I mentioned yesterday, I am adding in a few new series (such as the Green Living Series), as well as a workout video series. Each of these workouts will have a mind-body approach, meaning you use awareness, breath, and concentration to notice the subtle connections and changes in the body and mind.

The idea for the Energy Flow series is to not only to enhance the mind-body connection, but to ADD energy to your day, rather than deplete it. We often run on an empty “energy” tank, reaching for caffeine and sugar to get us through the day. When we do exercise, we are told to deplete our tank and work out until we are exhausted. No pain, no gain. Well, that’s actually not the best way. When we exercise to create more energy, we can ditch the caffeine and sugar, as well as feel energized and awake through out our day. Most of us run on one of two energy levels – frantic or stored. With frantic energy,  we feel scattered and frazzled, without mind and body racing constantly. With stored energy, we can feel lethargic and sluggish. When we tap into both of these energies, balance them, and release them into our system, we can feel more awake without the jolt.

Check out the Energy Flow workout on Youtube and look for more each Wednesday. I’ll be uploading a variety of these types of workouts, so you can workout to a few or just one. Enjoy and feel energized!

I look forward to energizing with you 😉

Peace and love,


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