Green Living/ Tips

Green Kitchen Makeover 101

Juice BowlOne of the hardest parts of going green is changing the foods you eat. Food can be a HUGE emotional trigger for many people and with so many choices and differing opinions on what is truly healthy, is can seem overwhelming. Luckily, when given the right tools, it can also be one of the easiest transitions.

1)      Replace as you go: The best way to start is to not get overwhelmed with a complete overhaul. Simply start by replacing things when you run out of them. Search for products that are healthier versions of your current staples.

2)      Organic is king: Look for organic ingredients, even if it is still a packaged food. Usually, if it is labeled organic, it is less processed and contains less preservatives and chemicals than the mainstream brand.  Remember, the fewer ingredients the better.

3)      Produce: There are several great tools and lists for which produce to always buy organic, and which ones you can opt for conventional (aka produce sprayed with pesticides and herbicides). For me, the best way is to look at the ones I use the most. If I’ll be consuming them more, then I will buy them organically grown.

4)      Cut back on dairy: I know this is a touchy subject, because milk is seen the King of Nutrition, but honestly, it’s not.  I’ll get into this in more detail at another time, but for now try these two approaches: If you do consume dairy, look for milk from cows with grass-fed, organic feed and no hormones or antibiotics given. This way, if you are eating and drinking dairy, you are cutting back on the amount of extra additives you consume. Also, give a milk alternative a try: almond, coconut, rice, and soy are all delicious options.

5)      All-natural meat: As for meat, also consider cutting back.  Our intestinal systems are not made for processing large amounts of meat, and neither are our hearts. If you do continue to eat meat, again, look for no hormones, no antibiotics, and grass-fed animals. For chickens, look for “free range”, with ample space to roam. And of course, go organic with your meat.

Start simple. Replace when you run out.  Try organic versions of your pantry staples. Buy organic in your dairy, meat, and most frequently used produce. Start small for big changes. You don’t have to run out to the big, scary health food store (or as I call it, “The Happiest Place on Earth” ;)). Check your regular grocery store and then head over to the health food store for the rest of your essentials.

For more information, feel free to email me at I offer store navigations as well “Green Pantry Detoxes”. And of course, happy eating to you!

What is your biggest green pantry challenge? Leave a comment below!

Peace and Love,


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