Green Living/ Recipes/ Tips

Simple Detox Tea

Detox tea. It sounds so scary! Like the tea is going to taste terrible and leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. And do a number on your digestive system. But this won’t. This one tastes fantastic. And it’s a gentle detoxifier – great for counteracting a late night out, food splurges, detox cleanses, or upset tummies. Or even just drink it because it’s tasty and good for you.

Hot warm water is a digestive stimulant, plus it hydrates you. Lemons and cayenne are both great for stimulating detox and digestion. Turmeric is used in most Ayurvedic healing remedies and teas. Honey is tasty and also a bit medicinal – it can help with allergies if you use it regularly. And if you don’t do honey, agave works well or it tastes great plain.

Enough talking. On with the recipe. Right?

Detox Tea

Simple Detox Tea:

Don’t let the color scare you! Turmeric turns things a deep yellow color. This recipe is adapted from the Whole Living Magazine 2013 detox plan. 

1/2 tsp Turmeric

1/2 Lemon, squeezed

1/2 tsp Cayenne

1 tsp Honey (optional)

Boil water. Place ingredients in mug. Add hot/warm water. Stir. If it’s not too hot, sip, smile, and enjoy!

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