Fitness/ Tips/ yoga

Wednesday Workout: Core Power

Want to know a secret? My favorite type of workout is a core workout. There you go. You know my deep dark workout secret! Want to know why? It’s not about flat abs, although I hear those are wonderful too. It’s about functional exercise that transfers to your everyday life.

I LOVE core work that uses other parts of your body, aka your arms and legs, to strengthen the entire core. The core is the energy house for your whole body. Every muscle, bone, and tissue connects in someway back to your center. Your arms connect into your sides and into your core. Your legs connect into your hips and into your lower core. A strong center = a strong you. And it means you can move around with more awareness and less injury.

Core Power:

 6 Power moves and 3 Blissful stretches

1) Knee lifts: Come onto the ground or a thin exercise/yoga mat on your hands and knees. Bring your wrists, elbows, and shoulders into line. Your knees line up under your hips about 6 inches apart. Keep your toes tucked under. Draw your belly button into your spine, lengthen your tailbone, and slowly lift your knees off the ground about an inch. Hold for 2 counts and lower. Repeat this 5 to 10 times. Knee Lift

2) Plank: From your knees lift, lift your knees all the way off the ground and push back through your heels. You’ll be in the top-of-a-push-up position. Keep the wrists and shoulders aligned. Draw your belly button into your spine, squeeze the thighs, and slightly tuck your tailbone. Try not to sink into your shoulders. Hold for 5 counts.


3) Side Plank: Come in to a plank pose (like you are going to do a push-up) Rock on to your left hand and the outer edge of your left foot. YOur feet can stack or stagger. If you need to, drop your bottom knee to the ground. Reach your right hand up to the ceiling and hold for 5 counts.

Side Plank

4) Hip Lift, Drop, and Lift: From Side Plank, step your right foot in front of your legs and plant your foot on the ground. Keep pressing your hips towards the ceiling. Hold for one count and lower until you hover above the ground. Slowly press back up. Repeat this 5 to 10 times.

Hip LiftHip DropHip Lift 2

5) Knee to chest and Reach back: From your hip lift/drop, bring your right hand back down to the ground and pull your right knee into your chest. You’ll be in a plank again, but with one knee drawing in. Hold for one count and reach your leg straight back as if you were pressing your foot into a wall. Alternate knee to chest with kicking back for 5 to 10 counts.

CheetahHeel Lift

6) Leg lift push-ups: After your last round, reach your leg high behind you and hold it there. Bend your elbows out to the side and lower your chest halfway to the ground. Hold for 4 counts. Then pulse up and down (very tiny moves) for 4 counts.

Leg Lift

7) Downward Dog:Take it to a stretch. Step both feet onto the ground and lift your hips high into an upside-down “V”, or downward dog. Press your hands into the ground, your heels towards the ground, and your hips up to lengthen legs, arms, and spine.  Hold for 5 breaths.

Downward Dog

8) Upward Facing Dog: Open into the front of your core and your chest by coming in to upward facing dog. From downward dog, shift forward until your shoulders are over your wrists. Let your hips drop, but keep drawing your belly button into your spine to support your lower back. Release your tes to the ground and engage the front of your thighs to lift the legs slightly off the ground. Hold for 3 breaths.

Upward Dog

9) Child’s Pose and Repeat on the left side 🙂 Drop your knees down, open them wider than your hips, and sit your hips to your heels for Child’s Pose. Bring your forehead to the mat and reach your arms in front of you. Stay here for 10 breaths. Then come back to plank and repeat on the opposite side.

Child's Pose


And remember to check out the Detox 101 teleseminar next week, as well as the 21-Day program starting August 12th! Sign up for both now. Spaces are limited.

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Peace and love,


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