Fitness/ Tips

Weekly Workout: Energy Flow Power Series Week 1

Happy Weekly Workout day! I gotta say, I am feeling great today. I taught a Hot Yoga class for some new Hot Yoga lovers this morning,  AND I get to spend my afternoon writing and sipping on a chai latte. I also picked up a fun new workout to try, which comes in handy after long days sitting and writing. My shoulders get tight, my neck gets stiff , and sometimes my energy levels sink, no matter how much I am enjoying what I’m working on. I also need a lot of breaks to regroup and regain my focus, something I learned in college. And one of my favorite ways to do this is to re-energize with a short but effective total body workout. It snaps my focus back to the work ahead of me and gives me the energy to continue, while also releasing some of the tension in my neck and shoulders.

Today I have one of my favorite short workouts for you, and it is the beginning of a new 3 part series called Energy Flow Power. These are powerful but short workouts (around 10 minutes), that will get you re-energized and feeling refreshed in no time.

Tune in tomorrow for a tasty recipe!

Peace and Love,


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