Gluten-Free/ Holiday/ Recipes

Sweet and Savory Cornbread Stuffing

Earlier this week, I shared with you the Slightly Sweet Down-South Cornbread recipe. I originally made it because I wanted to share this recipe with you. The only problem was – it was so good I ate WAY more than I expected!!! The good thing about that was, I knew it would make a super awesome stuffing/dressing (if your truly southern). And it did 😉

Before I give you the goods, let’s go back a few months to November, specifically, Thanksgiving.

Our Turkey Day was a little different for a few reasons:

1) We were vegan/are vegetarians. So no turkey – which means nothing to stuff! 
2) I can’t eat gluten and bread is the base of any proper stuffing/dressing. 

So what to do? Switch it up, reinvent it, and make it our of cornbread. 

And it was AWESOME! 

It gave a slightly sweet element to a mostly savory dinner. And it was still healthy and low on the allergy spectrum. And when Easter rolled around, it made the perfect holiday dish to eat again.

sweet and savory cornbread

Sweet and Savory Cornbread Stuffing:

1 slightly sweet down-south cornbread

1 cup vegetable broth

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1-2 stalk celery

2 tbsp chopped red onions

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp rosemary

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a pan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Chop and saute onion and celery until slightly cooked. In large bowl crumble your corn bread. You can do big or small chunks – whatever you prefer. Mix in the onions and celery mixture, spices, cranberries and rosemary. Pour into a pie or casserole dish – something you can bake. Pour the vegetable broth over the cornbread mixture and bake for 25-30 minutes. Let cool slightly – just enough so you don’t burn your mouth when you eat it!

Scoop it out and enjoy 🙂 It can be a side if you have a big crowd, or you can make it the main component of your dish, perhaps with a side of fresh farmers market veggies – I used Green Beans.

PS If you have extra green beans and furbabies at home, steam some up and give them to your pups. It’s a healthy treat for them that they surprisingly love. And it will save them from going bad if you’re in a pinch.

In the comments below, I’d love to hear what your struggles are with holiday recipes. Let us know your allergy-friendly or healthy-alternative recipes you’ve created. Leave your biggest trouble-maker and your mega-success meal.

Peace and Love,



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