Meditation/ Recipes

Meditation Update

Recipes this week have been a bust. It seems a lot of things have been off for me this week – which I think has lead to some ick energy in my baking. Before this season, I have never had a hard time baking. It always came easy, but I just never really did it. Now, I am baking more bombs than delights.  It’s not so much the vegan/egg-free/dairy-free part, it’s more of the gluten free. It is super, super challenging. Sometimes things look terrible but taste good, and other times things look pretty but taste terrible. One of these days I’ll get a good one and be able to share it.

Until then, I thought I would update you on the meditation challenge. Earlier in the week marked the end of the first 7 days. I am now on day 10. I feel a connection with most of the mantras (Sanskrit sayings) and the daily thoughts. My mind does still wander though. I feel that maybe, just maybe, I am starting to be able to incorporate the meditation better. The amazing thing about it though, is that each day has been exactly what I needed to hear. We had a few rough days the past week, nothing terrible but just a few added stressors right when the meditation began. I ended up missing a day, and strangely enough, I felt that I was meant to miss it. The next day, the meditation spoke of EXACTLY what I needed to hear to make sense of things. Sometimes, when we need it most, the Universe speaks out to us. It guides us when we aren’t even realizing it. So for the next 11 days, I will continue this meditation journey and see where the Universe leads me.  If you would like to, please join me!

Coming up soon on the blog, some yoga practices for Fall, detox tips for the holidays, and hopefully a yummy recipe or two.

Until then…

Peace and

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