DIY/ Meditation

DIY Meditation

I’ve got to be honest with you. Meditation is one of those things that I always want to do, but find a million and one reasons to not do it. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, I really do. It’s just that I always seem to forget about it until I’m exhausted and staying up a few more  minutes would make me stressed about staying up too late. And here is the other thing – I put too much pressure on it. I think I must have a huge, powerful, ancient mantra and sit for an hour, completely transcended from my body and mind. Or I think I need to find some program with a renowned teacher to guide me. And all of these things are great, but it can also be much more simple than this. Just sitting for 5 minutes, focusing on one simple thing, and closing the eyes will bring so many benefits.


So if your like me, and you avoid it without realizing it, her are a few things you can do to make your own meditation.

1) Set a  reminder on your phone. Either in the morning, when you have free time in the afternoon, or right before you start getting ready to go to bed.

2) Start with 5 minutes. If you have more time, take longer. If not, no worries.

3) Find a thought, saying, quote, or image that you find meaningful. It can be something simple or something more complex – it doesn’t matter, as long as it resonates with you on that day. Sometimes I picture a sunset, sometimes I think of a Sanskrit phrase, sometimes I use my favorite movie quite, or sometimes I just Om. Whatever floats your boat here is just peachy.

4) If sitting still doesn’t work, go for a walk, watch the clouds float passed, watch the leaves fall from the trees. Just let your mind go for a little and feel that you are able to concentrate eon just one thing. If this doesn’t work and your thoughts are racing, close the eyes and just allow your thoughts to race. Follow them without judging, see where they go.

5) Let go of the pressure. know that meditation doesn’t have to be perfect. It’s just about observing where you are without judgement. Just simply letting it be.

If you are feeling like you need a little starter meditation, here is one from Deepak Chopra and Oprah (haha, I love the rhyme!). It’s from their recent 21-day meditation challenge. Sit, give it a listen, and then feel you are ready for your own journey. You already have all the tools you need.

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As always, feel free to leave a comment below with your favorite way to meditate or let me know what is holding you back from starting. I’d love to discuss it with you.

Peace and love,



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