Fitness/ Tips/ yoga

Wednesday Workout: Barre Series Week 2

Happy Wednesday Workout!

And thank you all for the fantastic feedback from Video 1 of the 5 Video Barre Series. I’m so glad to see so many of you are enjoying the lengthening, toning, and strengthening at the barre.

This week, we move straight into standing core work. In a barre class, whether you are on the  mat, standing to work the arms, or at the barre working your legs, the core is engaged. When the core stays engaged, it not only tones your midsection, but it also helps to support the spine AND it powers every move you do. No matter what part of the body you ar working, the core is your power center and your driving force. It’s where everything connects back into.

In the video today, you’ll work the core from a  standing position at the barre. Remember to keep the belly button drawing up and in towards the spine, the ribcage pulling in, the heart lifted, and the tailbone down. I know it seems like a lot, but the more you do this, the more natural it will feel during the Barre workout.

What is your favorite way to work the core? Leave comments below or under the video at the YouTube page.

Peace and Love,


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