Fitness/ Tips

Wednesday Workout: Abundant Planks

Sometimes when the year winds down it seems as if there is just not enough time to fit everything before the holiday madness, vacations, and New Year begins. And for this reason, we skimp on our exercise, we say “forget it” about our healthy eating, and we decide to just go full force in the New Year with our resolutions (more on this topic later). Today’s video will help you fit in a workout on even the busiest of days. This is under 10 minutes, super effective, and easy to modify. And the best part is that is very functional and uses your entire body as you hold.

Today we will be working with planks, from all angles, sides, and heights. Planks are great for helping to tone your core from all aspects, which means you won’t just sculpt abs, you’ll also help to strengthen your back and support it by building a nice, strong, functional core. If you are new to planks, no worries. There are modifications sprinkled throughout.

Stay tuned tomorrow and Friday for some fun recipes including a super delicious, easy, and fun DIY! You may have seen on Facebook and Twitter, I’ve left you a little guessing game. These are the ingredients for Friday’s recipe.

Any guesses as to what it might be? Tweet it back to @househealthy or leave a comment on Facebook or right int he comments below. Let me know what you think these yummy ingredients might turn into!

Peace and Love,


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