
The Truth about Detox Programs

I shared this on Facebook, but it was so amazing and inspiring that I wanted to share it here.

Facebook can be a little spotty about who sees what posts, so before we get started here are a few things to consider:

1) Check in here often! This is where the best stuff is any way 😉

2) Head over to Facebook and “like”. Check often and click “follow” to make sure you see the posts and updates in your newsfeed

3) Later this week, there will be some big site changes here on the site. I will be moving to a new format, getting ready for some BIGGER changes to come later this year. For now, stay checked into the site but also Social Media for updates- and you can now access ALL of the social media sites through the Facebook page 🙂

Now back to the action:

I received this beautiful message the other day from someone who went through one of my previous online programs.

And before you read it, know this one thing – this is what it’s all about. Clearing away the thoughts and clutter that makes us think we are a certain way or need to be another way to be happy.

It’s about treating yourself with respect and love, through not only food and exercise, but through kindness and release.

For those of you thinking about joining in on the 10-Day Cleanse, I thought I’d share so you could see how the benefits go beyond a 10-day juice cleanse or crash diet. This is from a “28-Days” participant, but the aim of the 10-day program are the same – in fact, this one goes deeper, with more options, in a shorter amount of time to get you results fast.

“The “28 Days to a Healthier You” was a great way to stop and break down my daily routines – Fast food for breakfast/lunch, not planning out meals, working too many hours. Throughout the 4 weeks, I learned to eat healthier and I also discovered that I was ignoring areas of my life that truly left me feeling inspired and grateful for what I had. The emails gave me a heads up for the week, simple to make meals and exercise/fitness videos. I would highly recommend this to someone looking for an easy-to-follow program built to lead you to a healthier (and much happier) lifestyle.”

Beautiful. Honest. And Lasting.

If you want to make these lasting changes in your life and have a brand new outlook on your health and happiness, sign up today! 


I can’t wait to work with you!

Peace and Love,


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