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3 Seeds to Start Adding to Your Smoothies

pinterest seedsSmoothies are a fantastic way to get more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. The amount and combinations that can be blended into a single drink are often far more than you could sit down and eat at one time, especially in the morning when a salad might not sound to appetizing.  Smoothies, much like salads, are also a way to incorporate other super foods into your diet, such as healthy fats from nuts, avocados, coconut and also from seeds.

Seeds are super high in essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and often plant-based omega-6, as well as being high in anti-oxidants. They blend easily into your smoothies, without changing the flavor or texture too much.

While there are a ton of seeds you could add to your smoothie, the 3 easiest and most versatile are: flax, chia and hemp. They are readily available at most grocery stores, super centers such as Target, and even bulk stores like Costco.seeds


  • high in fiber
  • healthy fats (omega-3’s)
  • adds a slight oily flavor to your smoothie, so only use about a tbsp
  • works great with berry smoothies


  • healthy fats from omega-3’s
  • high in iron
  • adds a bit more thickness to your smoothie
  • works well in all smoothies


  • high in omega-6 essential fatty acids
  • protein
  • slightly grassy flavor
  • works well in green smoothies

To add these to your smoothies, simply pick your favorite recipe and blend them in. Use about a tbsp of your chosen seeds, opting for just one variety of seeds per smoothie. These are also great for adding to oatmeal, granola, baked goods or sprinkled over yogurt.

For smoothie recipes featuring these 3 essential seeds, make sure to check out The Smoothie Lifeavailable on Amazon, or download your free sample below.

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