Trust me on this one, it’s easier than you think. WAY easier. This is one of those things that makes you wonder “Why haven’t I always done this?”
Recently I have been seeing homemade “Nut Milk” mentioned in a lot of vegan blogs. I also recently received the book Crazy, Sexy, Kitchen by Kris Carr (which I will soon be reviewing for you!). Many of the smoothies, cheese, and sauces call for cashew milk or other nut milk. Luckily, there is an easy to follow recipe in the book. All you need is raw nuts (I used almonds), a nut milk bag (funny name, very handy kitchen tool – I ordered one on Amazon for under $10), and filtered water.
DIY Almond Milk:
Adapted from Crazy, Sexy, Kitchen by Kris Carr
1 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight
3 cups filtered water
Nut Milk bag, Blender, and Large Bowl
Rinse and drain almonds. Place in blender with filtered water. Blend for a couple of minutes until thoroughly mixed – it’s ok to still have some small pulp because we will be straining it.
Over a large bowl, pour the mixture into the nut milk bag. Squeeze out excess milk, until the pulp is almost dry.
Pour into a jar and enjoy! Delicious, raw almond milk.
*With the extra pulp, you can dehydrate it (in a food dehydrator) and use it as almond flour in your baking. It’s a tasty and fantastic gluten free flour alternative.
Coming up soon – a delicious morning smoothie featuring – you guessed it!-homemade almond milk 🙂
Peace, love, and almonds,