DIY/ Recipes

DIY Juice Cleanse

Juice Cleanse

Do you feel it? It’s in the air. The buzz of detoxing and cleansing.

It’s almost Spring time again. In some parts of the country (and world) you are being bombarded with snow and ice, but in other places, the winter never seemed to happen. This is the case where I live. We had a few very cold days, but overall has stayed in the 50’s or so. Nothing crazy hot or cold. But even with all of these changes, spring is around the corner. Which means, its detox season. Not in the sense of “bikini” season, but in the sense of spring renewal and shedding the heaviness of winter along with nature. Fresh fruits, veggies, and high energy in the air – the perfect time for a juice cleanse 😉

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I do recommend juice cleansing with a group or through a supported online program, especially if you are a novice. But this can get expensive fast. If you are in need of a cleanse, but want to save some cash, I’ve got covered. Here are your steps and solutions for a DIY Juice Cleanse.

1)      You need a juicer. Not a blender, not a vitamix, not “smoothie” juicer. You need something that extracts the pulp and fiber from the liquid. This way, your digestive system gets a break and you absorb the rest of the nutrients faster.

2)      You need produce, tons and tons of produce! Lots of leafy greens, spinach, lettuce, celery, and cucumbers. Also lemons, apples, beets, carrots, ginger, and maybe something fun like strawberries or watermelon to play with. You need enough for 3 large juices and 3 smaller juices a day.

3)      9 Pint sized and 9, ½ pint sized mason jars. The best way to stick with your cleanse is to have the juice made ahead of time. This way you aren’t rushing to make it or finding reasons (aka being at work or out) to not be able to drink it. Invest in a few mason jars to freeze and store your juice.

4)      Prep your juices, seal them and freeze them. You can look for a few recipes online (, or try some of my favorites. The larger juices are the ones packed with greens and vegetables. The smaller ones can be sweeter. Think of them as special treats or snacks.

5)      Keep the juice frozen until the night before drinking. Place them in the fridge – maybe leave the “breakfast” one on the counter to thaw overnight.

A few kety points to remember:

1)      Drink lots of water. Hot, cold, warm, with lemon or without. Just drinkn water.

2)      Herbal tea is your friend. Drink as much as you’d like. It will help you from feeling hungry.

3)      If ou do feel hungry – add in more juice!

4)      Take time each morning and evening (3-5 minutes) to sit and reflect. Journal or meditate on how you are feeling.

5)      At the end of the 3 days, slowly add solid foods and unprocessed foods back into yur diet. Remember the hard work you just did. Remember how great you are feeling – keep your foods “clean and green”.

6)      Have fun!

Now give it a try!

Have you ever tried a cleanse of thought about trying one? How did it go? What are you tips or questions? Leave a comment below.

For more information on juicing and juicing packages with support, click below to download your own Juice Clenase guide.

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Peace and love,


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