The wind has definitely picked up around her and there is more than just a chill in the air – it was down right cold this morning! Fall has full arrived and seems to be settling fast. And we all know what this means – the Holiday season is approaching fast with Halloween just around the corner, leading us straight into Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and more! This time of year is so very fun and energetic, but it can also wreak havoc on your body and mind. Even with all of this fun and excitement, this is also the time of year when we are more susceptible to stress, anxiety, and an overall feeling of nervous, frantic energy. And you might also notice that as your thoughts swirl, your skin starts to dry out and your bodies tissues might start to dry out on the inside as well – think inflamed sinuses (not drippy) and sluggish digestion (aka constipation). Sounds a bit hokey? I promise, it’s not.
This is all due to the change in season and in the natural energy of , well, nature but also our bodies. In Indian Medicine, Ayurveda, this is called Vata. In today’s video, you’ll learn about Vata, why it adds to our stress around this time of year, how the holidays exacerbate this stress, and what we can do about it to De-Stress and have a truly Happy Holiday season!
What is your favorite part about the fall? How do you handle the stress of the holidays? Leave your comments below and let’s discuss!
Peace and Love,