Fitness/ Weekly Tip/ yoga

Morning Energizers Week 2: Quick 1 Minute Exercises

There are some mornings when you might wake up and feel sluggish, tired, or foggy-headed. Or you might wake up and feel ready to go, refreshed, and enlivened. No matter how you feel when you wake up, there is always something you  can do to help your system work at an optimal level and keep you energized throughout the day.

This month features four techniques that will help energize you in the morning and get you ready for the day ahead. Last week I shared with you two energizing and restoring breathing techniques to help you wake up and get moving. Today’s video features two 1-2 minute exercise techniques to be done right after your breathing exercises or right when you wake up. These exercises are specifically designed to warm up and wake up the entire body through  breath and moevment. Each exercise takes about a minute and moves you through a dynamic range of motion, releasing built up energy and tension along the spine. You’ll feel refreshed, awake, and ready to take on the day.

Click on today’s video and get moving!

What are your favorite ways to exercise or energize in the morning?

Peace and Love,


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