Holiday/ Tips

Healthy Halloween Round-Up

Boo! Happy Halloween 🙂 I never quite know what to post for Halloween – I know you are super busy (with having a fantastic and fun day) and might not even have the chance to sit and read a blog post or two. So today I thought I would round-up some Healthy Halloween info, so you can find just what you need, read it, and put it into action right away. And then get back to the task at hand – finding a Halloween costume, am I right?!

I still have no idea what I will wear for a costume as I hand out candy tonight. Last year we pulled together these last minute costumes: a girl scout and Jack White just in time to hand out some goodies. This year will be just as last minute, I am sure.halloween yoga halloween jack white halloween girl scoutNow, onto the Halloween Goodies:

If you are looking for a healthy snack to take or make for a  Halloween Party, try this Healthy Halloween Party Dip: it’s green and you can dip carrot sticks into it, so it looks festive.

spinach dip

If you are looking for some food-allergy friendly treats, try some of these (fairly) inexpensive options: Allergy-Friendly Treats

halloween toysFor some healthier alternatives to chocolate and sugar, but still a tasty treat, try these: Healthy Candy Alternatives (from my recent FitDay article)24halloweenHalloween can be quite a spooky day/night, so why not take a moment to face your own fears? Halloween Demons (aka what are you afraid of this Halloween?)jackolanterns
I hope you have a fantastic, fun, and safe celebration! To help you work out any extra indulgences from your celebrating, I will have 2 workout posts for you over the weekend and the 21 Days to Flourish program starting on Monday. This is the start of the holidays, and it’s going to be a healthy season for you, I promise 😉

Peace and Love,




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