Recipes/ Weekly Tip

Save money and time! Meal Plan and Prep Like a Pro


StockholmLast week, we talked all about meal prep on the blog and the response has been big. People in Facebook Groups, classes, social media and emails are talking about how useful it is to have healthy, prepped food on hand at any time, and how much stress it takes out of their busy week and schedule.

And I couldn’t agree more.

For the past few months, I have been looking for meals and recipes that I can make ahead of time, freeze or even just prep. I have tried to streamline my grocery shopping by purchasing ingredients I’ll use in more than one recipe or that I can freeze or store for a future recipe. The results, after a bit of playing around, have been less stress about meals, more food ready to go, and a decrease in my food waste and bill for the month.

I’ve stopped overspending on ingredients that I don’t end up using, I always have at least one or two meal options ready to go for dinner, and I throw away a lot less food. Plus, I get to eat healthy, delicious foods without stressing about it.

This is why I have started and plan on sticking to it – meal planning and prep is one of the best thing you can do when you are getting and staying healthy. It can save you so much time and energy, as well as help you stick to your healthy habits, even on the busiest of weeks. If you find you are often too tired by the end of the day to prepare dinner, or too tired when you wake up to make breakfast and prepare lunch, meal prep will help you tremendously. The tricky part isn’t in the actual prep work, it’s getting started.

On Thursday, April 14th @2pm EST, I will be hosting a webinar to teach you how put your meal plans into action.

You’ll get to:

  • create your own meal plan, with endless possibilities
  • learn the basics of meal planning and prep
  • have a weeks worth of meals ready at any time
  • save money and waste less food

You can join the webinar by signing up here. It is absolutely free and will make eating healthy a breeze no matter how crazy your schedule.Copy of Meal Prep Banner

I can’t wait to see you there!

Signed Name

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