Want to make living a healthy lifestyle a little more fun, delicious and, well, healthy?
You’ve made a decision to be healthier. You try making healthy recipes and working out more, and maybe even try your hand at some stress-relief.
But even when you plan your best, it all seems so hard. Life is busy, eating all the healthy things you are supposed to is overwhelming and working out is time-consuming. You end up ditching your healthy efforts and going right back to an unhealthy, unsatisfying lifestyle, complete with more stress, worse health and weight gain.
Sound like you?
You want to be healthy, you want to feel better, and you really want to make the changes stick, but all of the diets and programs are just too hard to maintain in a normal lifestyle.
What you are really looking for is a simpler way to eat healthy that leads to better choices for your health all around. You are looking for way to get in the most amount of nutrients and healthy foods in the simplest way possible.
- You want to be healthy but want it to fit your lifestyle and schedule.
- You are sick of rules and restrictions that come with most diets.
- You’re over the gimmicks, powders, shakes and pills that seem to be flooding the health and wellness markets.
- You’re ready for a stress-free, simple lifestyle that allows you to get healthier within your own schedule and routines.
- You’re ready to get healthy now and make it part of your lifestyle for good. But you wonder if it is all worth it.
When you feel like you are ready to give up and turn your back on your health goals, there is one simple solution to give you exactly what you need, minus the stress, overwhelm and diet backlash.
The solution is to stop living a diet lifestyle and start living The Smoothie Life.
With the The Smoothie Life you’ll learn to :
- Make smoothies that are healthy, whether you are new to blending or have been drinking smoothies for years
- Introduce new, healthy ingredients into your daily smoothie
- Create endless smoothies that are delicious and good for you
- Find more time for the rest of the things in your life
- Add more nutrition in your daily diet
- “Eat” more healthy food than ever before
- Improve your digestion and lose weight
- Incorporate more healthy habits into your lifestyle beyond smoothies
The Smoothie Life is more than just a recipe book. It is a lifestyle. The recipes, tips and tidbits in this book are designed to help make you healthier, your body feel better and make eating better easier, all without overwhelm or stress. Living The Smoothie Life means you get to sit back and enjoy being healthy, one delicious, satisfying smoothie at a time.
What is a Smoothie?
Smoothies are one of the easiest, most versatile dishes to make. A smoothie can be a snack, pre or post workout fuel, a dessert, or even a filling meal in a glass. All that is required of it to become a smoothie is that you can blend it, sit it, and it’s texture it, well, smooth.
Why Blend?
Blending makes it easy to consume large amounts of healthy nutrients in a short amount of time. This means you can have an entire salad-worth of veggies, nuts and fruits, all in hand-held glass. You can sip on the go or as a midday break and enjoy a fresh, nutrient-dense meal or snack in just moments.
Blending a smoothie makes it easier to stick to healthy habits and incorporate them seamlessly into your daily life.
Here are a few things blending smoothies can do for you:
- Improve Digestion
- Lose weight
- Increase nutrients, vitamins and enzymes
- Fight Fatigue and exhaustion
- Reduce Bloat
- Reduce inflammation and stress in the body
- Regain energy
How Does this book Differ?
Many smoothie and recipe books offer you just that a ton of recipes. While these are often really fantastic and taste great, it is just as easy to head to Pinterest or Google and find fresh, new recipes to try. In this book, you’ll find over 75 smoothie recipes, as well as learn the basics on creating your own smoothie recipes, making your own nut milks, why smoothies are so good for your health, and even which type of blenders to use.
There are a few other components that you will find in this book that are essential, but often lacking in other smoothie books. Here are just a few:
- Breakdown of ingredients, including what they are, how to use them, and why they are so good for you
- Advice on the best blenders, shopping for ingredients, storage of smoothies and more
- Two 7-day Programs to help you incorporate smoothies into your daily routine
- Bonus: Yoga poses, breathing exercises and other healthy living tips
This book is the complete package and offers you so much more than what a 5-minute search on the internet could give you. The Smoothie Life helps you create a healthier life around our smoothie-making, leaving you feeling, and living, better than ever.
Are you ready to live, The Smoothie Life?
Praise for The Smoothie Life
“As a health coach for 14 years, I consider myself quite the smoothie “connoisseur,” having made all kinds of interesting smoothie concoctions over the years. But wow, I was blown away by the breadth and creativity that Jessi has brought to her book, The Smoothie Life. And by the way, this cookbook is way more than 75 delicious plant based smoothies. She also takes the time to explain each ingredient and how it affects your body positively. She discusses different blenders and even adjusts the recipes and prep methods depending on the type of blender you own. Her accompanying section at the end around breathing and yoga completes this book in the most complementary way. She really left no stone unturned in this wonderful book. I have put many kinds of veggies in my smoothies but never even thought to add chickpeas, broccoli, peas and many other suggestions that Jessi makes throughout the book. Her section on smoothie bowls, which I never knew could be so versatile, particularly intrigued me, as well as the concept of “layering” flavors for even more complex smoothies for smoothaholics like me! Thank you Jessi for this comprehensive, holistic and balanced cookbook! Can’t wait to share this with all of my friends!”
~ Jenny Berk, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Mindful Eating Instructor and wellness blogger
Jenny is the founder and owner of Jenny Eden Coaching – a coaching practice devoted to help men, women and teens create a more healthy and sustainable relationship with food and their body image. She is an Eating Psychology Coach, a mindful eating instructor and health and wellness blogger. She has a weekly blog on the Huffington Post Healthy Living section as well. She specializes in kind and gentle weight loss, unique binge eating cessation techniques and mindful eating practices.
Jenny received her Masters from the University of Pennsylvania in Psychological Services from the School of Education and was a Health Educator at Health Management Resources for thirteen years prior to launching her practice. She earned her certificate from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in 2015 and her MB-Eat certificate in 2016. You can connect with Jenny on Facebook and Twitter, or check out her latest program, The Spring Soup Series, for the ultimate in healthy eating.
The Smoothie Life is much more than just a recipe book. Jessi Andricks explains why one would want to include smoothies in your daily diet, and she shows exactly what you need to make them, including which ingredients are important to buy organic. The recipes are easy to follow, and include smoothies of every flavor imaginable. I like that she also includes information about stress relief, yoga, and cleanses. If you want to start adding smoothies to your diet, or want to try some new ones, I highly recommend you check out The Smoothie Life.
~Amy Katz, Plant-Based Blogger and Creator of Veggies Save the Day
Amy Katz is the creator of veggiessavetheday.com, a healthy blog that features simple and delicious plant-based recipes. Amy Katz loves running, cooking, and of course, eating. She has been vegan since 2013 and loves creating plant-based and gluten-free recipes. She is also a regular contributor to www.chicvegan.com.
With Amy’s recipes, you’ll learn how easy it is to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your diet. For even more, head over to Veggies Save the Day and grab your FREE Weeknight Dinner Bowls guide or follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
If you’re just starting out with smoothies. Jessi’s book provides you with over 75 recipes that are easy to follow and delicious. Some of the recipes are super simple (and a great starting place), while other recipes challenge you to take your smoothies to the next level. I’m excited to have a copy of the book on my Kindle so that I can reference it anytime I want. In addition to recipes, you’ll also find lots of tips and a couple of plans to incorporate smoothies into your daily life.
Jessi gives lots of tips in The Smoothie Life for picking out produce and ingredients for your smoothie. She shares how you can add protein to your smoothie or transform it into a healthy dessert with little to no extra effort. She also talks about which produce should be organic and which is best bought frozen. I learned quite a few tricks about picking out ingredients from her book. My favorite tip (which I used even before reading the book) is to freeze your fruits to make them last longer and to avoid having to use ice in your smoothie.
I love the way Jessi writes in this book. It was like reading a letter from a friend! She gives easy to follow tips and lots of delicious recipes. I recommend checking out this book for the awesome tips and recipes that are included!
~Pam, founder of Hodge Podge Moments
Pam is a southern girl who found herself moving across the country to California. She created the blog Hodge Podge Moments as a way to share and inspire readers to make the most out of every moment. Find out more on how you can work with Pam, or follow her on Facebook and Instagram for daily inspiration.
If you want to get started with smoothies, The Smoothie Life is PACKED with information to help you get started! When I first got a copy of this book I was expecting it to be full of recipes I could try, while that is the case, it includes so much more!
I’ve made smoothies off and on in the past, but I will usually buy one out before I take time to make one. I know it would likely be healthier and cheaper if I did it myself, but I just don’t take the time. One of the areas I found helpful is the section on preparing your ingredients. Jessi talked about how many people prepare the ingredients when they go to make the smoothie, which can take longer than preparing for the week at one time. I found this to be a great time saving tip!
I also appreciated the Organic VS. Conventional list. This was really helpful in knowing what ingredients are better to purchase organic and what ones I can save money on and purchase conventionally.
If you are just starting out making smoothies this book has a ton of other information including: what a smoothie is, how to build a smoothie, and types of blenders. However, if you already know a lot about smoothies, there are a variety of recipes to try. I’m looking forward to trying some of the ones with seeds. I don’t think I’ve even had a smoothie with seeds.
The Smoothie Life delivered a lot more than I expected! What I thought was just a recipe book gave me a better understanding of smoothies. I now have a whole list of recipes to try out!
~ Zac Weikal, founder of ZacWeikal.com
Zac is passionate about helping others make each day matter by living life unwasted.™ He knows life can feel overwhelming, including living a healthy lifestyle. Be sure to grab his FREE Calm Down Worksheet–a perfect companion to The Smoothie Life and check out his blog www.zacweikal.com.

Meet Jessi
Jessi Andricks, author of Detox 101 and The Smoothie Life, is an emerging leader in the field of modern healthy, whole living. She doesn’t just love this stuff, she lives and breathes it. She knows from years of experience that true health and happiness comes from a balance of all things, not just the number on the scale or the amount of food you eat. She encourages her clients to throw away the rules and restrictions to bring more balance into their lives, creating lasting health and happiness and greater peace of mind. To her, it’s not about dieting or crazy workouts, but about dropping the guilt and stress, and allowing yourself to finally get healthy.
Through her training in Health Coaching, Yoga, and mind-body fitness, she’s able to blend together the best of all worlds to create innovative online wellness and private coaching programs. Jessi fuses together clean eating basics, empowering fitness techniques, and expert wellness tips to help clients live the happier, healthier lives. SHe has been featured on the Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Mantra Yoga+Health and Yoga Magazine. Get in touch with Jessi at thehouseofhealthy.com, follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and look for her books now available online.