
Online Health Coaching vs Integrative Health Coaching

Health Coaching

Lately when I log into Facebook or Instagram, or really any social media platform, I see one of two things: politics and coaching opportunities.

I suspect you might be seeing much of the same. Politics aside, it seems like health coaching and challenge groups are becoming more and more popular. Friends and family members are all hopping on board to get fit and to eat better. They are following their program and product of choice, like workouts, shakes, supplements, while being led by a coach who was once in their seat.  They document their progress and They then become a coach, continue to purchase their monthly products, and then start to recruit their friend and family. You may have been one of the people they recruited, or you may have tried a program or product.

Here is the wonderful thing – these women and men are changing lives. They are getting healthy using their influence to help get other people healthy. This is a wonderful thing.

The downside is that is often relies on a specific product. Once you or they stop purchasing it, the income and health benefits start to fall by the wayside. It also focuses on following someone else’s plan, instead of your own.

When you join a big group program, you are a group of people with different goals, needs and makeups, going
through the same diet and fitness routines. This means that you might notice others have better results than you, or that your results aren’t quite what you anticipated or have seen.

The bigger piece is that many of the coaches are not certified or trained in any type of nutrition or physical fitness. The person you are getting your nutritional support and fitness advice from may not be trained in these areas. Your coach might only have a few months more experience than you, regardless of the results they may have achieved.

This doesn’t mean they aren’t worthwhile, but it does mean you could get injured, get bad advice or end up following a program that ends up being detrimental to your health, rather than supportive.

After logging into my Facebook account and being messaged and emailed by many coaches (some who are dear friends of mine and brilliant at what they do) to join their team of coaches, I’ve realized that there is a real need for Health Coaching to become personal again.

Starting this month, I am opening up my private Health Coaching Program, called the Simple Healthy LifestyleThe focus is to take your lifestyle needs and goals to work through a personalized, coached  12 week program. You’ll work on eating healthier, finding the right workout for you and the lifestyle habits that are affecting your health on a daily basis. While it does have a structure, the program is one-on-one and tailored to your needs 100%. This Integrative Health Coaching program will be deeply discounted from the previous price, with a payment plan if needed. I want it to be easy for everyone who needs it to be able to participate.

Whether you book with me or with someone else, best thing you can do is to find a coach that is certified and has been through training. Then look for a Health Coach who has private sessions or a flexible online program with support from the Health Coach. Check the credentials, see what their program involves. If it is about a specific supplement or monthly purchase, question if it is really worth it and what happens if you stop your purchase.

When you are ready to make your decision, I hope you will consider my Simply Healthy Lifestyle program. It is 100% personalized and involves no gimmicks, no extra product purchases, and no one-size-fits all routine. Instead, you get one-on-one coaching session each week, with access to the Facebook group (you can join now) and support from a fully trained Integrative Health Coach.

You can sign up for your free Discovery Session here. These 25-30 minute sessions are available every Wednesday and help you determine if working with me is right for you. After your session, you can sign up for the 12 week Health Coaching program. I will be taking on 5 new clients for the program each month.

If you have any questions, please email me


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